Affecting mainly women, stretch marks do not spare men and teenagers either. They appear on different parts of the body, particularly on the buttocks, stomach and chest. Several factors favour the appearance of stretch marks, such as genetics and rapid weight gain. Before discovering the different possible solutions to treat them, discover their main causes.
The main causes of stretch marks
It is essential to get to know stretch marks in order to better treat or at least reduce them.
Stretch marks are dark red, purplish, pale pink or pearly white in colour and have the shape of streaks on the skin. They are the result of the breakdown of collagen fibres. They generally adopt symmetrical shapes and are harmless to the individual concerned. However, they are detrimental to skin aesthetics.
Skins with fragile collagen fibres are the most exposed to these unsightly mottles. The same is true for dry skin whose elasticity is subject to severe tests. However, other factors can cause them to appear.
Studies have revealed hormonal causes. When the body secretes corticoids in high quantities, they cause blockages in the fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are the cells that support the connective tissue. Collagen becomes scarce because the body no longer produces enough. As a result, the skin loses its suppleness and tears abruptly at the slightest stretch.
Stretch marks also appear in case of rapid and sudden weight gain. This is why they are so common among pregnant women.
Skin thickness and genetics also play a major role in the appearance of stretch marks. Contrary to popular belief, skin colour is not a factor in the appearance of stretch marks.
The different solutions for treating stretch marks
Don't be fooled by the promises of many miracle products that can remove stretch marks in no time at all. Prevention is the best cure. There are, however, solutions that can be used to treat them to alleviate them.
Preventive treatments
Stretch mark prevention consists of reducing risk factors, especially during periods that are conducive to their appearance such as puberty, pregnancy and menopause. Good hydration of the skin is therefore essential. Well hydrated skin retains its elasticity. The more supple it is, the better it resists tearing when stretched. In order to boost the skin's moisture level, deep cleansing is necessary. Exfoliation is particularly effective in removing impurities and facilitates skin hydration.
Learn how to hydrate the skin from the inside. It is strongly recommended to drink between 1.5 and 2 L of water per day. Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Favour natural foods rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
Apart from that, sports activities are more than beneficial for the skin, they help to fight the appearance of stretch marks.
Medical treatments
Medical treatments to completely eliminate stretch marks do not yet exist. However, professionals do offer anti-stretch mark products that you can use to reduce unsightly marbling. Creams and lotions are very good allies.
Aesthetic medicine also offers other solutions that consist of treating the skin surfaces affected by stretch marks. These include, among others, peeling, microabrasion, laser and local injection.
Natural treatments
Natural product treatments are an excellent alternative to drug treatments.
You can use rosehip mixed with almond oil to moisturize the skin and limit the appearance of stretch marks. This mixture also acts on skin damaged by unsightly marbling.
Rich in water, carrots have moisturizing properties. To reduce unpleasant marks, prepare a carrot purée that you will apply to the affected areas. Ideally, steam the carrots so that they retain their essential elements.
You can also use avocado cream to prevent the skin from drying out. This allows the skin to regenerate itself. To prepare the cream, take half an avocado, a teaspoon of olive oil and an aloe vera leaf. Blend it all together until you obtain a creamy and homogeneous mixture.
Apply this mixture to the affected area, massaging gently. You can also replace the olive oil and aloe vera leaf with sweet almond oil and oats or honey and lemon.
If you are looking for a simple, practical and effective solution to reduce stretch marks, aloe vera is a very good choice. Simply take aloe vera gel and apply it to the affected area.
All of the proposed treatments should be applied to thoroughly cleansed skin.